Thursday, July 17, 2008

Reflection 7 Assignment 5: Creating a WebQuest

When I first began this assignment, I had no idea what a WebQuest was! After much research and reading our weekly materials, I realized what an interactive learning experience this could create for my students. A WebQuest is “an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web.” Basically, a WebQuest is a web-site designed for the purpose of teaching and learning. I created a math WebQuest titled Math around the World. The site consists of seven pages including the home page that provides resources, explains tasks and procedures, provides contact information, states a conclusion as well as some notes for teachers. Students can use this site to complete an assignment on their own using the internet. This assignment integrates the technology standards with the math competencies and objectives for seventh grade. It has the students using math skills for geometry, measurement, and numbers and operations. Then, these skills are integrated with technology by having them create a power point presentation, an interactive time-line, and calculate distances and dimensions.Click here to see my site:

Creating this WebQuest was time well spent! It is something that I can apply to my own classroom this school year. Not to mention, while completing this project I discovered that with the internet, I have access to numerous WebQuest already complete!

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