Saturday, July 26, 2008

Reflection 10 Assignment 8: My Overall Course Experience

My overall experience with IT 648 has been extremely rewarding! I have learned how to use numerous technological tools such as: CircaVie interactive timeline software, how to create a WebQuest and a Website, and how to upload a power point presentation on SlideShare. As a teacher, I can take these resources and easily integrate them into my own classroom. I have already started creating my own classroom website. When it is complete I will add the URL here. Also, I have a WebQuest project that my students can work this school year along with many resources to other WebQuest on the web.

While learning how to use all of these tools was satisfying, the things I learned from my classmates through the discussions made the class worthwhile. Participating in discussions and projects with people that come from all different backgrounds makes for a variety of ideas, suggestions, and interesting comments. I gained much knowledge about telecommunications in education through all of these experiences. As I continue with my graduate courses, I look forward to many more classes like this one that help me become a stronger educator that is knowledgeable about technological skills, concepts, and applications.

Reflection 9 Assignment 7: Creating a SlideShow Presentation

For this assignment we had to create a SlideShow presentation using
SlideShare is kind of like YouTube for Power Point Presentations. You create a power
point and then upload for the public to have access too it. I created a slideshow on
Effective Professional Development for Successful Technology Integration. Click here
to check out my slideshow:

This week we discussed the advantages and disadvantages to using wireless technology. I said, one of the main advantages of wireless technology in education is that you can take it anywhere! If a teacher wants to create a different learning environment, while using the laptop computers, she can do so by taking her class wherever. Class can be held in the hall, in the gym, in the library, or maybe even outside. Most importantly, it is a “time-saver.” Instead of having to move from room to room and log on to different computers, wireless allows you to take it where ever you go. While there are many advantages, reliability is the only disadvantage that comes to my mind. At my school, the wireless internet goes out a lot! Unfortunately, when it comes to using technology, we always have to overcome those “glitches.”

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Reflection 8 Assignment 6: Creating an Eyejot Video

Creating an Eyejot video has been the most challenging assignment so far! In saying that, I do not mean the actually creation of the video. Who can set there and talk about their selves while looking at their selves on video without being nervous? I think I recorded and deleted about four videos before I actually submitted my final one. For a good laugh, check out this site:

This assignment introduced us to this weeks readings and discussion on Interactive Videos in education.

One of the most important advantages I see with Interactive Video in education is that it offers a way to share scarce resources to rural populations. We all know that some schools offer more variety in their courses than others. With IVN, students all around the world could have some of the same opportunities. Also, I think it’s important that we see with video conferencing students can interact with other students around the world. This is an excellent way of teaching and learning about other cultures. As far as the disadvantages, I think that it may be of better use for more mature audiences. I couldn’t see many of my seventh graders actively participating in an IVN course. However, some of the more advanced students would really appreciate the opportunity for a class that has fewer disruptions because it has fewer students. One of the more obvious disadvantages to an IVN course is the typical computer “glitches” that we see in most all technology. The sound has much static and can delay a little at times.

Reflection 7 Assignment 5: Creating a WebQuest

When I first began this assignment, I had no idea what a WebQuest was! After much research and reading our weekly materials, I realized what an interactive learning experience this could create for my students. A WebQuest is “an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web.” Basically, a WebQuest is a web-site designed for the purpose of teaching and learning. I created a math WebQuest titled Math around the World. The site consists of seven pages including the home page that provides resources, explains tasks and procedures, provides contact information, states a conclusion as well as some notes for teachers. Students can use this site to complete an assignment on their own using the internet. This assignment integrates the technology standards with the math competencies and objectives for seventh grade. It has the students using math skills for geometry, measurement, and numbers and operations. Then, these skills are integrated with technology by having them create a power point presentation, an interactive time-line, and calculate distances and dimensions.Click here to see my site:

Creating this WebQuest was time well spent! It is something that I can apply to my own classroom this school year. Not to mention, while completing this project I discovered that with the internet, I have access to numerous WebQuest already complete!

Reflection 6 Assignment 4: Creating an Interactive Timeline

Creating an interactive timeline was a very exciting assignment. I had to create a free account with CircaVie and pick an event in my life to create a timeline on. My timeline was on a trip I took to the west coast. Click here to see it!
After completing this assignment, I realized that this could be an excellent strategy for teaching sequence in my seventh grade math class. However, this week I learned that when exposing students to the internet there are certain dangers associated with it.

This week’s discussion was on the dangers associated with using the internet and the strategies teachers can use to minimize the risk. Exposure to inappropriate behavior as well as your personal information, physical danger, and harassment are all negative side effects to using the internet. Unfortunately, children and young adults live in a naïve world. They do not see all the negative possibilities when using the internet for social networking, chatting, e-mailing, and instant messaging. Social networking sites are the biggest challenge for adults when teaching kids how to use them appropriately. As educators, I think one of the best things we can do to minimize the internet risks are to teach the students how to be productive on the internet. I always make my students a handout when we go to the computer lab for class time. It has instructions for their assignments and then it always has about ten or more websites that they can choose to visit for “fun.” Of course, they are all education sites!

Reflection 5 Assignment 3: Creating a Website

This has been one of my favorite projects so far. I have wanted to learn how to create a website for sometime now! For this assignment, we created a free account with Google Page Creator and developed a website about ourselves. The site had to include three pages. One page was about me, one was my hobbies and interest, and the third page was a resume. This was good practice for teaching me how to design a classroom website. Be sure to check out my site:

The discussion this week was on some of the major components of designing and developing an effective web course. I think the major components in designing and developing a Web course are clarity, variety, and user friendliness. The main reason for having a Web course is the convenience of flexibility. People can get on-line and work at their own pace. However, if the goals and objectives are not clearly stated, then the Web course is no longer a convenience it’s a hastle! Therefore, I think you need to be very specific in what you want your audience to do. State the purpose of the Web course through a syllabus, list assignments with deadlines, and have regular class discussions. Also, you need to offer variety when navigating through the site. Have more than one way of accessing a page. Offer tutorials, learning modules, and “your self” for help with objectives. It’s very important that there are numerous ways of getting help offered through out the site. This way, you offer the most important component which is communication and you make your site user friendly.

Reflection 4 Assignment 2: Creating a Blog

Wow! I have never created a blog except on MySpace and well; it’s not exactly the same thing! This assignment is one that I can not wait to share with some of the teachers at my school. A blog provides a website for on-line discussions. The blog is created with a specific topic and the public can view it and leave comments about it. It’s an excellent tool for class discussion in any subject. While math would be more challenging since we do not do much writing, I could think of a few ways to incorporate it.

I could use blog in my math class for a time of reflection. Students could tell something they learned or enjoyed in a specific lesson. Also, I could use it for specific projects like Famous Mathematicians. I could have students post their findings and respond to others. This would be an excellent tool for classes like English, Social Studies, Reading, or Science. Students and teachers could have debates and many writing opportunities. While this a great source for educators, it is also used by people for everyday “expression.” If you’re a writer and you like discussing every day world topics or giving your opinion then a blog is for you! When you visit you can create a blog in a matter of minutes.