Monday, June 9, 2008

Reflection 2: Blogfolio

This blog will be used to demonstrate learning through reflections from the course IT 648; Telecommunication in Education. Through out the summer, I will be posting blogs on my study of on-line readings, interacting with other members of the class, and writing reflective journals. These journals will be thorough thoughts on course activities, assignments, and part of a final project. Web Searching and creating this blog are the first two assignments we have produced for this class.

The web searching activity was extremely uncomplicated for me. I discovered a long time ago the benefits of using the computer for on-line researching such as shopping, directions, and/or locating family and friends. However, I was excited to be introduced to a variety of new search tools. The blogging activity was an innovative activity. I have seen blogs on some social networking sites such as Myspace but I have always found them intimidating. Learning how to create a blog is something I can apply to my personal and professional career.

Through out the summer, I will be posting individual reflections for weekly assignments. I will demonstrate how they can apply to my personal and professional experiences. It would be a pleasure to here any thoughts or comments you have about any of my posts. My last post will be a final reflection of the entire course and how I think this course has helped me grow professionally. I will discuss any strong or weak points I feel that are evident throughout the course. Also, the final reflection will identify my future goals and how I will apply what I have learned in my classroom.

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